The Brand

Creating Visual Art

Panchromatic Media is a film and video production company in Delhi that helps elevate your brand presence with our high-quality widespread media production services at affordable prices, lower than the market rates. 

We believe that every project is unique, therefore, we customize it to best fit our clients’ requirements, delivering beyond their expectations. 

We produce industry-level premium content with our unique cinematic vision to narrate each story with an impact. We specialize in Product Photography, Commercial Ad Shoots, Corporate and Creative Promotional Films, Video Editing and provide Pan-India services.   

Taking inspiration from all around, we learn, improve and excel in whatever we do.

With the idea of creating compelling stories worth telling, we want to provide a different angle to the world of cinema and art. With a small idea, we build the entire narrative of your products and services to help give a magical touch to your story.

We want to build communities rather than focus on personal success by outlining our possibilities and empowering our imagination with an endless pursuit of perfection.

Rishabh Agrawal

Rishabh Agrawal

It all started with a passion for cinema and creating art. Starting as a travel photographer, Rishabh turned his passion into his profession for good. With a keen interest to learn new skills each day, a creative eye, conscientiousness, and a focus on quality, he helps set the tone and timbre of our productions and projects that can be seen at every level of the production process.

Syeda Khadija

A film enthusiast, with a film background. Starting fresh each day with new ideas and possibilities, she strives to be the better version of herself. Learning to create compelling stories, she helps fabricate your ideas into reality providing the desired structure to your narrative. By keeping all our projects in line and on time while also adding keen creative sensibilities to the projects, she proves to be an invaluable addition to the team.

Syeda Khadija


The Best Achivement We Got

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Prestigious Achievement
Best Film Production Award
Best Director Awards
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Years Experience

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Happy Client

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Music Video

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Short Film

Our Testimonials

What They Say About Flix Studio

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

man wearing white blank t shirt 5WTJHZZa
Barnardo Designation

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

stylish casual indian man wear blue t shirt posing 9MFJ38Lb
Valdes Designation

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

man wearing a white t shirt ZW892CCa
Guilermo Designation

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

handsome cheerful young caucasian man in blue shir YVPG8FEb
Andrea Designation